SFGSL is an LGBTQ+ softball league committed to providing an organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender participants to compete in an environment conducive to the community.
General Information
New to the league? Looking for information about rules and bats? Check out this page.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We've put together a list of the most frequently asked questions from our members. If you don't see your answer here, please use the feedback link above to submit a question!
Board Members
Your representatives on the board are volunteers who work hard to improve the overall quality of the organization. They strive to provide all members an opportunity to participate in a league that is safe, fun, and enjoyable.
Open Division and Women's+ Division Alliances.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of those who we have lost but will forever remain in our hearts.
Contact Us
To learn more about the SFGSL please contact us. If you want to join the league, please visit our general information section for more information or register as a free agent.
League members may use the SFGSL logo for team events & fundraisers. By using the logo, you agree to not promote your event as a "League Sponsored Event" or similar. You may not alter the logo in any way. There are various formats included in the download for print & web use.